IMBC, KPO и CHI Electric подписали трехсторонний меморандум. Стороны заключили договор о поставке изоляционных термочехлов для клапанов.
We are working in the collective, and the project 3GI-Velesstroy will lead to completion.
We have completed the period of 2019-2023 and all this time we have been a separate team.
From the head of The CHI Electric Company, the grace for quality work, for a high class of professionalism,for responsiveness, applied to every task.
Every year there is growth-only at the beginning, growth – only at the beginning, development – only at the end. I wish every soul from the world, grace, kindness, friendship, love and prosperity!
We spend half of our separated lives in a working group, so
The 3GI-Velesstroy project is nearing completion. We spent a certain period of 2019-2023 together and during this time we were a great team.
On behalf of the management of CHI Electric, We express our gratitude for the quality of work, for the high class of professionalism, for the responsibility for each task!